Create And Share Awesome Photo Widgets

Photos are the easy ways to share our  memories and feelings with our friends, family and to rest of the world. They may even convey information much better if the way in which they are displayed is  attractive. So would I like to introduce you to an easy way to share a group of photos in an attractive manner with Good widgets with a tag line “they’re not bad “ .
Step 1:
Go to .If you like to save your widget and want to modify it later then you have to create an account and login into it and then start creating one, else you can directly create a widget.

Step 2:
Once you decide to create or not to create an account then you have to click on the “make a widget Now” button in the homepage.
Step 3:
Now you are provided with 8 different types of photo widgets from which you have to select one and proceed further.The only one limitation for this that it only provides support for limited number of photos like 30 photos in a widget .I have selected Book widget and proceeding further and you can select any one from the list.
Step 4:
Then you have upload photos to the site one by one and save it.After uploading the photos you can even configure the widget  by adjusting the size and color of it, in the configure tab on the top of the photos.

Step 5:
After completing customizations then click on the share tab on the top.Then for sharing it easily they have even provided support of posting directly to different websites like blogger,wordpress etc..You will also be given a short code which you can use it on any social networking site or blog.

Step 6:
Final Look of the widget will be like this.In the book widget your photos will be displayed one on either of the book with the effect of flipping the pages .