Google rolled out its new enhanced profiles to many of its users. It was around 2 years that Google launched Google profiles which help others to find your online identity. Through these new profiles we can easily know a person’s identity if he has a Google profile, by just searching in Google. Google’s enhanced profiles give a new look and feel, making it even easier for us to control and enrich our public profile.
First Looks:
After looking these for the first time I felt that Google liked the new facebook profile layout and used the same layout for its profiles too. Even though it seems to as the facebook profile layout there are write few variations from it. Tabs at the top of photos stream is among them. These new profiles look very decent and give a formal resume kind of look.New Vs. Old:
If the new and old profiles are compared I can surely say that the new profiles look very professional and if Google adds a few extra columns they can be even used as our resume. The photo stream which is very small on the old profiles is enlarged and displayed on the top of new profiles and the width of the profile layout is decreased which makes the profile look pretty longer. Old profiles lack the border due to which they seem to be awkward which I felt many times but I think Google realized this and differentiated the background and profile by giving them different colors.Old profiles will show our chat status on the top of the page but it seems Google removed this option in the new profiles. Google calls the new photo stream as scrapbook and is connected to your Picasa web albums through which you can add images; we are also allowed to add images from local disk. One more difference is the default loading tab in old profiles is our buzz stream if buzz is on but in new profiles “About “tab is the default tab which is shown. Email feature is retained even in new profiles so that anyone can email you if they like to contact you.
This new design helps to highlight the information that’s most important, making it easier for people who visit your profile to get to know you. As the new layout gradually rolls out, current users of Google Profiles will notice that their existing profile will automatically update to the new style. To update and add to your profile, simply click on the new “Edit Profile” button.
If you don’t have a Google profile yet? Visit and create a profile that best represents the way you want to be seen by the world. And you can even check how the new profile design looks at the same link.