A Beginners Guide to Twitter

Twitter, the micro-blogging website , with a very clean and simple interface and a 140 words limit, has been creating news ever since it was launched.
So this post is all about Twitter right from the roots up to the fruits, we would be seeing what twitter is all about and discuss some of its key features.

So what is Twitter?

Well,for those who joined the party late, Twitter is a micro-blogging website created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched in July. Since then Twitter has gained popularity worldwide and is estimated to have 200 million users, generating 65 million tweets a day and handling over 800,000 search queries per day. Twitter has  a limit of 140 words for messages or so-called tweets, Twitter is often described as the SMS of internet.

So what do I use Twitter for?

Well almost anything. Twitter although very simplistic in its approach and presentation has invoked creativity of many a web developers and users who have been using it for many a different works, right from sharing links,promoting business,to simple chats with friends keeping them updated with every minute of your life.
Twitter is an excellent tool for creating online network.

Who to follow

Using the menu tab on your page click on ‘Who to Follow’, and there are several ways to find people on Twitter based on your interests,work, job,etc.
Use ‘View suggestions’ to see who to follow:

Who to follow
Who to follow
  • Use browse by interest or search by email account feature to find your friends of people you wanna follow, You may even invite your friends on twitter:

What is a Tweet

A tweet is a short 140 characters message,more like a SMS, that you update. It can be about anything, a news ,a link, a location update ,a thought just about anything that you wanna share over your network.
Filling in your profile information will help people find you on Twitter

How to check for Replies in Twitter

Using ‘@’ symbol followed by a username  in your tweet will send a mention to the user you choose.Click ‘@Mentions’ to see if there are any replies to any of your ‘tweets’. When tweeting.

How do  I send Direct Messages in Twitter

Direct Messages go straight to the user they are sent to. They are much like short instant emails, that are delivered in the user’s inbox .You can only send Direct Messages to only those users who follow you. Direct Messages cannot be seen by anyone other than yourself and the chosen recipient.

Use hashtags

hash tags

The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet.A hash tag makes a certain word easily search able. Clicking on a hashtag word in any message shows you all other Tweets in that category.Hashtags can occur anywhere in the Tweet.Best practices recommend using no more than 3 hashtags per Tweet.
For more on Hash tags read these two posts :

The Twitter lingo

Alright now a brief intro to the language that Twitter uses:
  • Retweet or “RT” : A Retweet is to re post another user’s message on  Twitter. To retweet simply click on the Retweet icon below the Tweet that you want to retweet.
  • TweetUps – Using Twitter to meet with other Twitter folks
  • Lists : Organize the people you follow on twitter into lists, like friends,home,business etc.
  • Promoted Tweets : A tweet that a company or individual has paid for to be shown as trending.
  • Tweeple :Meaning ‘Twitter people‘, Tweeple is the name give to those who use Twitter.

What are third-party applications available for mobility and account sharing:

There are a plethora of third-party applications available for twitter no matter what platform you are using right from windows PC to Mac and Linux and also covering mobile platforms like Symbian, iOS, android and blackberry.
For more on third-party apps read this article by smashingmagazine.com

Styling  Twitter Account

You can style your twitter account with a  custom background of your choice. Choosing a custom background helps in establishing a personal brand on Twitter. You can change your background by logging into your twitter account and choosing Design tab under Edit Profile option. Some of the resources to checkout to choose a custom background are: www.colourlovers.com/themeleon/twitter, www.mytweetspace.comtweetstyle.com , www.twitbacks.com