Apple OS X Lion-Everything You Wanted to Know About

Apple has already unveiled a preview of its eighth major release of Mac OS X, Apple’s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers,Mac OS X Lion (version 10.7).It looks like Apple has incorporated ideas and features from the iOS to the OS X into this.

Mac OS X Lion 10.7: Release date and Cost

Release Date : The OS X Lion will be available from July 2011.
Where can I buy it: Well Apple has made some changes to deliver this OS by making it a Download Only. That is you won’t get an installation disk for it rather you’ll have to download it via the Mac App store.
So Where can I download it :You can download it on your Mac directly via Mac App stores ,the download size is about 4GB.
What about the COST $$$ :While the global pricing details are still under shadow the prices for US-based customers will be $29.Now that much amount of money for a complete OS is rather less compared what we pay for Windows,so that’s perhaps a very welcome move.

So what’s New in Mac OS Lion 10.7

Apple has listed  some 250+ new features in Mac OS Lion 10.7, however the most noticeable ones are:

Multi-Touch gestures :

multi touchApple has made its interface even more interactive by introducing realistic gesture responses, including rubber-band scrolling, page and image zoom, and full-screen swiping.

Mission Control:

mission controlMission control feature is a result of combination of three different features of Snow Leopard- Expose, Dashboard and Spaces. Mission Control allows you to see all apps that are open on the desktop, making it easy to find what you are looking for.

Full-Screen Apps

Now this is a completely new feature to be introduced. With this now you can use every inch of your Mac display,this works by enabling all apps to have a full screen mode, removing entities like the task bar from the screen, with the application taking up all the display space.


Apple Mac OSX Lion-LAunchpadLaunchpad is a feature inspired by iOS,it enables you to all apps you have installed on the machine,group them or delete them.Just click the Launchpad icon in your Dock. Your open windows fade away, replaced by a full-screen display of all your apps.


With Resume, you can restart your Mac and return to what you were doing — with all your apps in the exact places you left them.It does so by simply  remembering every setting about an application and saving it when the app is closed, and then implementing them when the app is restarted. Resume will not only work with the sleep mode, but also with a complete system reboot.


Built on the lines of a P2P client Air drop will enable users to share files with people nearby.With AirDrop, you can send files to anyone around you wirelessly.Just click the AirDrop icon in the Finder sidebar, and Mac automatically discovers other AirDrop users within about 30 fee. To share a file, simply drag it to someone’s name.Although it’s a Mac Only service.

Safari during recovery process

Now if you have messed up with you machine or cleaning someone else mess then you can use safari to get assistance online in recovery mode also.

Recovery partition For OS:

Mac OS X 10.7 is a download Only OS so Apple has incorporated a feature that the OS will create a recovery partition on its own just in case you need to reinstall it.

Auto Save

autosave_revertThis feature is for those who often lose their hours of work just because they fail to save it before closing it documents.Auto Save as the name suggests saves your work automatically.
Well though the OS is still not launched we are eagerly waiting for it to arrive.Be sure to get a sneak peek review of this OS when it’s launched.