HTML goes back a long way. It was first published as an Internet draft in 1993. The ’90s the HTML version 2.0, versions 3.2, and 4.0 (in the same year!), and finally, in 1999, version 4.01 were released.Since then the focus of web standards shifted to XML and XHTML, and HTML was put on the back burner. But looks like HTML was quite stubborn and thus refused to die, it saw its rebirth as HTML 5. It was a result of work of a few people who started the Web Hypertext Application Working Group (WHATWG) in 2004 and created the HTML5 specification. W3C published the first working draft for HTML5 in 2008. While HTML5 is still under development it is quite essential to understand its basics to get the most out if it.
HTML gives search engines the needed context they need to understand what’s contained in a web page. A search Engine won’t look at how beautiful your site looks, it won’t make a difference to the crawlers whether it’s having all the glitter and sparks or not, though it may affect your visitors. To understand the way a Search Engine Crawler works you may Download Lynx a web browser that displays only text and attributes, you may be able to view your website from the eyes of a Search Engine.
So What’s New in HTML 5?
Well if you look at the HTML5 websites and applications you may feel that it is more of a programming language, but the truth is that it’s the same old HTML with some new markup tags and attributes, which make web designing easier than ever before. It’s backward compatible with HTML4 and thus you need not learn it from scratch. The new semantic tags, web page segmentation, the new link types, improved Media Handling with and tags are just a few important new features that we will discuss in this article, that are sure to affect your SEO strategies.And what are the features that affect My SEO and How?
HTML5 is based on various design principles,
- Compatibility
- Utility
- Interoperability
- Universal access
Well anyone who has been in the game of SEO will be surely aware of its basic pillars:
- Search Engine crawlers indexing your pages in their databases
- Speed , faster loading WebPages are ranked high
- Quality (not quantity) of links, pingbacks.
Web Page Segmentation for enhanced Search Engine Indexing
Remember HTML5 is all about evolution and not more of a revolution. Thus it has introduced simple yet effective way to arrange our code so as to make it more semantic and express it better. For example, Google when analyzed, found out that many a people were using common ID names for DIV tags ,like DIV id=”header” to mark up header content. The problem here is that DIV tags don’t add semantic value or give context to what’s inside it.Here comes the evolution with HTML5, with the new elements such as,< header>,