Anyone who is well-versed with writing and publishing content on his blog or has more specifically been a blogger for a year or more will most definitely recognize what is known as a “content plateau”. It is that stage of blogging when you’ve said whatever you wanted to, when you’ve run out of ideas and have no clue as to how to take things forward.

The surprising fact is that even the top bloggers of the industry have regularly talked about it on their blogs and various interviews. It is a fact that can’t be denied. I mean, how can you expect a person to keep writing heaps of content on a particular subject for months or years. Even if you managed to spend your time doing research about the subject, there will eventually come a time when you wouldn’t know what ‘more’ to write.
This can ultimately be the difference between a novice blogger and an A-list blogger, someone like Darren Rowse for example. The key here is to get through this content plateau somehow, maneuvering through the difficult times and keeping your blog alive, no matter how difficult and cumbersome it seems. Let’s discuss a few strategies that you can make use of to ensure your blog keeps flowing with fresh content.
1. Brainstorming Ideas
The number one method and the one that I use the most is brainstorming content related to the topic of my blog. Explore your mind for new content ideas and translate them into posts. You can even use a technique called mind-mapping, which involves thinking of ways to expand upon an existing topic, or even an existing post on your blog, which can ultimately help you identify hundreds of new sub-topics to write on.
2. Converting your Blog into Multi-Author
If you are unable to come up with new ideas even after brainstorming your mind, it’s probably time you should convert your blog into a multi-author blog, which means you allow other bloggers to become co-authors on your blog (giving them limited access). This can help you relax for some time and also have a fresh breadth of content on your blog. The best way to do this is by enabling revenue-sharing on your blog and talking about it in various posts, so as to build hype about it among readers.
3. Accepting Guest Posts
Unlike the above method where you share your adsense revenue with bloggers who publish content on your blog, this one only requires you to accept guest posts from budding bloggers who are looking for a new audience and also build backlinks to their blog. Though it may seem quite easy just to let other people blog on your behalf, the fact is no one will be interested in writing content on your blog unless you have a high google page rank, so you should start working on it right now to make your blog more appealing in the eyes of other bloggers.
4. Updating Old Posts
The timeless way of engaging readers into a old blog post, which may have lost its sheen over time is by updating it and building upon it, so to say. Bloggers like Darren Rowse constantly keep reviving back their old posts, simply expanding upon them, updating them or rewriting them with a fresh insight. Though it may require some effort on your blog, it is worthwhile to woo new readers who might not have read them before.