It’s been pretty long but finally we have much awaited untethered jailbreak for our A4 powered devices i.e. iPhone 4, iPad and iPod! We officially have the release of untethered jailbreak for all A4 devices running iOS 5.0.1.
History we all know, let’s get forward with Present. In this post I’ll guide you the whole procedure to Jailbreak untethered! There are two ways you can do it depending upon you are already tethered/ semi-tethered or not.
For Users On iOS 5.0.1 Tethered Jailbreak:
If you are currently running tethered iOS 5.0.1 on your iDevice powered by A4 processor then you have a very simple option to get untethered one, just follow following steps:
1) Launch Cydia from your SpringBoard
2) Download a package called ‘Corona’
3) There is no third step! Enjoy, you are already untethered
For Users On Stock iOS 5.0.1:
If you are on Stock and was waiting for untether to be released, now is your chance. Though some work is involved but it is worth it! Just follow simple steps and you are done:
2) Start Redsn0w and you’ll be presented with “Jailbreak” option, click on it
3) Follow the on screen instructions to boot your idevice into DFU mode
4) Select “Install Cydia” option
5) Sit back and watch while Redsn0w does it’s job!
If you rely on Unlock:
If you rely on unlock then you must preserve the baseband using the “Custom IPSW” option provided by Redsn0w.